Success Stories
Meet Shahzrad! We met in March 2021 at our kids soccer practice and immediately clicked and became instant friends. She is a medical doctor (pathologist), mom of 3 under 5, a spin instructor, philanthropist and an amazing woman. She mentioned that Covid had been tough on her fitness and nutrition and that she really needed a push!
She wanted to make a change, so she did! She was nervous and out of shape. But, she jumped in. She started up with the program and followed it to a t. It was rough at first. She didn’t/couldn’t run a minute. Everything was hard. She changed her whole diet (out with the junk and in with the whole foods) and followed the plan. It was hard. She kept going. Those that know her now would never think it was hard for her because she transformed so much and is the “athlete” of the group. She lost 40lbs in 4 months, gained muscle and became an athlete - she was never an athlete growing up so this is that much ore impressive! Most importantly, she gained her confidence back. For someone who doesn't/didn't run ever, she went on to run a 1/2 marathon 4 months into the program. She is now expecting her 4th child due in April 2022 and we plan on starting right back up after she is cleared to exercise.
What made you get started?
1. So, quarantine was super stressful. I have three boys that were in K, 4 and 6th grade. Distance learning was chaotic at best considering I work full-time from home. Trying to teach them and work became incredibly stressful and I found myself eating and drinking unhealthy as a coping mechanism. I purposely avoided the scale until Mother's day, and it was a rude awakening. That's when I posted on FB asking for protein powder recommendations. And along came you!
What success have you had?
2. Success has been both visual, losing 15lbs and 13 inches, but also internal. My resting heart rate is down 10 points which I consider the biggest win. My energy is up making it easier to tackle the daily stress of life. And I'm setting an example for my boys.
How has your confidence improved?
3. My confidence is so much better than it was before. I'm turning 40 this year and the weight of that was enough to knock me down a little, but I did not want to enter this new chapter in the worst shape of my life. Now I am confident wearing my summer clothes in front of anyone, no more hiding behind baggy clothes and I'm embracing this milestone instead of dreading it.
Start! . You can become your best self!
1. What made you start the program?
I have been overweight most of my adult life. I became used to it and thought I was “comfortable” where I was. I knew I wasn’t in shape, but didn’t think I had the time or really the ability to make a big change. I had tried to workout on my own from time to time with no success. I had my second baby in October 2020 and my weight was at an all time high. I was also experiencing a fair amount of anxiety. I kept thinking I needed to make a change but wasn’t really doing anything about it. Then one day I found LaurenMartinFit on Facebook and decided I needed to give it a try. It was something I had to do for myself, not my kids, or my career, but something for me. I decided to commit for at least a month (May 2021) and see what happened.
2. What success have you had?
In my first 6 months I lost 30 pounds! I am stronger than I have ever been and have gone from a tight size 12 to a comfortable size 6. Almost 1 year into the program, I am down 40+ pounds, and maintaining! I am also stronger, faster and in the best shape I have ever been in.
3. How has your confidence improved?
My confidence has improved tremendously. I feel healthy and strong. I love that I look better but I really love that I feel better. This change has really helped me both mentally and physically. I learned that I didn’t even realize how bad I felt until I started feeling better. I have more energy and less anxiety. Exercising and eating right has now become part of my daily routine. I’m proud of myself for committing and making a healthy change. It has truly improved my life!
What made you start the program?
1.I started the program right at the beginning of lockdown in April 2020. Normally I would do some cardio on my Peloton and then ride my horse for exercise. I wasn’t seeing results fast enough and the barn was closed due to COVID so I couldn’t ride my horse. When Lauren launched the program I initially joined to “change it up” and get some accountability.
What Success have you had?
2.I’ve really enjoyed the community and support from the group. It was motivating seeing everyone try their best to keep up with it and it inspired me to stay consistent even when juggling work, a preschooler at home, and being a single mom. I’ve seen a big increase in my strength, have lost 10lbs, have gone from a size 6 to a loose size 4 and am at 13% body fat (not sure what it was when I started). Most importantly to me, my strength has improved so much. I’m back to doing full push-ups and even knocked out 5 pull-ups yesterday. I can definitely feel the difference in my upper body strength and core when I ride.
How has your confidence improved?
3. My confidence has gone up tremendously. The tough workouts really help me balance stress, anxiety, and I’m finally liking the way I look in the mirror again- I’ve even worn a crop top running and it’s been almost 10 years since I had done so!
Katie has 4 kids under 7 (youngest is a little over a year). She was tired of not feeling good about herself and took a leap to work with me. All she did was make a commitment and follow the program. She did it with her best friend and had the support of her and our community.
At the time, I had never met her in person before. She lives 1500 miles away from me. But she trusted me and committed to herself. I believed in her. We believed in her. I have since seen her multiple times in person, we have become friends and she is still killing the program! She is maintaining her transformation, has become even stronger and faster! She just ran a 1/2 marathon in 1:52 with another member of our group.
Before pics were May 1, 2020. After pics were July 31, 2020. This is what happens when you decide and follow the program!
3 months!!!!! Strength. Confidence. Belief in yourself. Change your habits, change your life. You can do hard things. You can change at any moment. You get to decide your path. You don’t have to be stuck. You can decide to move forward. You can accomplish things. You can become the person you are meant to be.
Meet Shahzrad! We met in March 2021 at our kids soccer practice and immediately clicked and became instant friends. She is a medical doctor (pathologist), mom of 3 under 5, a spin instructor, philanthropist and an amazing woman. She mentioned that Covid had been tough on her fitness and nutrition and that she really needed a push!
She wanted to make a change, so she did! She was nervous and out of shape. But, she jumped in. She started up with the program and followed it to a t. It was rough at first. She didn’t/couldn’t run a minute. Everything was hard. She changed her whole diet (out with the junk and in with the whole foods) and followed the plan. It was hard. She kept going. Those that know her now would never think it was hard for her because she transformed so much and is the “athlete” of the group. She lost 40lbs in 4 months, gained muscle and became an athlete - she was never an athlete growing up so this is that much ore impressive! Most importantly, she gained her confidence back. For someone who doesn't/didn't run ever, she went on to run a 1/2 marathon 4 months into the program. She is now expecting her 4th child due in April 2022 and we plan on starting right back up after she is cleared to exercise.
When I met Lauren Martin more than 3 years ago, I could not do a squat. Not a single squat. I could not run more than a couple miles with shooting knee pain. I thought about my nutrition in terms of restriction. Lauren helped me see I need to fuel my body. Lauren helped me learn how to strength train to support my running and overall health. I had watched the Boston Marathon with awe for over 15 years. I wanted so badly to be one of those runners and Monday I was. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Lauren and everyone who supported me. It was during one of our bootcamp classes where Lauren and the group inspired to take the leap. It took consistency over time to get there. Not all goals are about the scale. Some are about nurturing your body to achieve your dreams.
What made you get started?
1. So, quarantine was super stressful. I have three boys that were in K, 4 and 6th grade. Distance learning was chaotic at best considering I work full-time from home. Trying to teach them and work became incredibly stressful and I found myself eating and drinking unhealthy as a coping mechanism. I purposely avoided the scale until Mother's day, and it was a rude awakening. That's when I posted on FB asking for protein powder recommendations. And along came you!
What success have you had?
2. Success has been both visual, losing 15lbs and 13 inches, but also internal. My resting heart rate is down 10 points which I consider the biggest win. My energy is up making it easier to tackle the daily stress of life. And I'm setting an example for my boys.
How has your confidence improved?
3. My confidence is so much better than it was before. I'm turning 40 this year and the weight of that was enough to knock me down a little, but I did not want to enter this new chapter in the worst shape of my life. Now I am confident wearing my summer clothes in front of anyone, no more hiding behind baggy clothes and I'm embracing this milestone instead of dreading it.
Start! . You can become your best self!
1. What made you start the program?
I have been overweight most of my adult life. I became used to it and thought I was “comfortable” where I was. I knew I wasn’t in shape, but didn’t think I had the time or really the ability to make a big change. I had tried to workout on my own from time to time with no success. I had my second baby in October 2020 and my weight was at an all time high. I was also experiencing a fair amount of anxiety. I kept thinking I needed to make a change but wasn’t really doing anything about it. Then one day I found LaurenMartinFit on Facebook and decided I needed to give it a try. It was something I had to do for myself, not my kids, or my career, but something for me. I decided to commit for at least a month (May 2021) and see what happened.
2. What success have you had?
In my first 6 months I lost 30 pounds! I am stronger than I have ever been and have gone from a tight size 12 to a comfortable size 6. Almost 1 year into the program, I am down 40+ pounds, and maintaining! I am also stronger, faster and in the best shape I have ever been in.
3. How has your confidence improved?
My confidence has improved tremendously. I feel healthy and strong. I love that I look better but I really love that I feel better. This change has really helped me both mentally and physically. I learned that I didn’t even realize how bad I felt until I started feeling better. I have more energy and less anxiety. Exercising and eating right has now become part of my daily routine. I’m proud of myself for committing and making a healthy change. It has truly improved my life!
What made you start the program?
1.I started the program right at the beginning of lockdown in April 2020. Normally I would do some cardio on my Peloton and then ride my horse for exercise. I wasn’t seeing results fast enough and the barn was closed due to COVID so I couldn’t ride my horse. When Lauren launched the program I initially joined to “change it up” and get some accountability.
What Success have you had?
2.I’ve really enjoyed the community and support from the group. It was motivating seeing everyone try their best to keep up with it and it inspired me to stay consistent even when juggling work, a preschooler at home, and being a single mom. I’ve seen a big increase in my strength, have lost 10lbs, have gone from a size 6 to a loose size 4 and am at 13% body fat (not sure what it was when I started). Most importantly to me, my strength has improved so much. I’m back to doing full push-ups and even knocked out 5 pull-ups yesterday. I can definitely feel the difference in my upper body strength and core when I ride.
How has your confidence improved?
3. My confidence has gone up tremendously. The tough workouts really help me balance stress, anxiety, and I’m finally liking the way I look in the mirror again- I’ve even worn a crop top running and it’s been almost 10 years since I had done so!
Katie has 4 kids under 7 (youngest is a little over a year). She was tired of not feeling good about herself and took a leap to work with me. All she did was make a commitment and follow the program. She did it with her best friend and had the support of her and our community.
At the time, I had never met her in person before. She lives 1500 miles away from me. But she trusted me and committed to herself. I believed in her. We believed in her. I have since seen her multiple times in person, we have become friends and she is still killing the program! She is maintaining her transformation, has become even stronger and faster! She just ran a 1/2 marathon in 1:52 with another member of our group.
Before pics were May 1, 2020. After pics were July 31, 2020. This is what happens when you decide and follow the program!
3 months!!!!! Strength. Confidence. Belief in yourself. Change your habits, change your life. You can do hard things. You can change at any moment. You get to decide your path. You don’t have to be stuck. You can decide to move forward. You can accomplish things. You can become the person you are meant to be.